About the surgery

Welcome to Jura Medical Practice

Jura Medical Practice is a small dispensing practice that provides all standard medical care including prescription medicines and out of hours care.

The practice area is the whole of the Isle of Jura. The surgery building is all on one level and wheelchair accessible.

Jura Medical Practice accepts applications from Medical Students wishing to undertake placements in a remote & rural setting. Applications can be made via email to jura.health@nhs.scot. Student presence during consultations is at the patient's discretion.

Medical Students

Jura Medical Practice accepts applications from Medical Students wishing to undertake placements in a remote & rural setting. Applications can be made via email to jura.health@nhs.scot. Student presence during consultations is at the patient's discretion.

Opening times

View our opening times and information about what to do when we are closed.

Surgery staff

Meet the practice team.

Surgery policies and procedures

View our policies and procedures.

Complaints and feedback

Leave us feedback, a review or make a complaint.


Read all the latest news and information from the surgery.

Rights and responsibilities

We aim to give excellent health care to our patients. You have the right to get quick and proper treatment, involvement in your care, respect and confidentiality.

You have responsibilities too. Please treat us with respect as well, be on time for your appointment or cancel if you can not make it, let us know of changes in your circumstances and order your repeat prescriptions on time.

Serious breaches, like violence, dishonesty and persistent non-payment of private invoices can be a reason for removal you from our list.